Lake Taupo Protection Trust

      Category:  Ecosystem Restoration & Protection; Price-Based Instruments
      Policy Type:  Land Purchases; Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments;
      Sector:  Mixed
      Region:  Oceania
      Country:  New Zealand
      Description: The Lake Taupo Protection Trust was set up in February 2007 to administer the $81.5 million fund to protect Lake Taupo's excellent water quality. It will use the funds to encourage and assist land use change, to purchase land/nitrogen in the Lake Taupo catchment and to fund any other initiatives that assist land owner to reduce the nitrogen impact of their activities on Lake Taupo. The Trust reports to the Government (Ministry for the Environment), Ngati Tuwharetoa, the Taupo District Council, and Waikato Regional Council.
      Outcome:  The Lake Taupo Protection Trust is charged with developing a program of work that will reduce the amount of manageable nitrogen leaching into the lake by 20 per cent.

      Reference:  Lake Taupo Protection Trust (New Zealand)

      Lake Taupo Regional Plan

      Category:  Regulatory Approaches
      Policy Type:  Environmental Caps & Limits
      Sector:  Mixed
      Region:  Oceania
      Country:  New Zealand
      Description: The Lake Taupo Regional Plan Variation 5 (RPV5) contains policies that reduce and require the formation of the Lake Taupo Protection Trust to assist in achieving the 20 per cent reduction in the amount of nitrogen entering Lake Taupo. Policies include limits on fertilizer application rates for forested, residential and agricultural land. In addition, for agricultural activities, the plan specifies allowable stocking rates and assigns a nitrogen discharge allowance (NDA). The NDA is the maximum allowable total annual nitrogen discharge rate allowed for a given property based on the estimated highest annual nitrogen leaching rate between 2001 and 2005. Property owners wishing to expand their operations beyond their current NDA must purchase NDAs from other property owners. (see entry for Lake Taupo Trading Program).
      Outcome:  The Lake Taupo Regional Plan caps nitrogen discharges from all significant landuses with the aim of reducing total nitrogen use by 20% in the catchment.

      Reference:  Lake Taupo Regional Plan (New Zealand)

      Livestock Manure Management

      Category:  Environmental Outreach & Education; Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation
      Policy Type:  Environmental Education; Technical Assistance; Research
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  Asia
      Country:  South Korea
      Description: Korea's Livestock Manure Management policy was adopted in 2004 and established a comprehensive plan for efficient management and utilization of livestock manure. The implementation of the plan concentrates on establishing a system of efficient utilization of livestock manure for crop production. Advice to farmers on the efficient management of livestock manure and the development of new technology are also the main objectives of the plan.
      Outcome:  The improvement of livestock manure management in Korea helps prevent agricultural water pollution from livestock operations.

      Reference:  Livestock Manure Management

      Long-Term Watershed Protection

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Institutions & Capacity
      Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Partnerships
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  North America
      Country:  United States
      Description: The New York City Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) funds a comprehensive Long-Term Watershed Protection Program to provide high quality drinking water for nine million water consumers. Landowners in the Catskills supply catchment are paid to implement measures which reduce diffuse pollution. Two of DEP's primary partners include the Watershed Agricultural Council and the Catskill Watershed Corporation, which are locally-based not-for-profit corporations that were specifically created to assist DEP with the administration and implementation of watershed protection and economic development programs. Many other watershed partners serve in various capacities, such as oversight, advice, public education, and communication.
      Outcome:  The Watershed Protection Program incentivizes adoption of best management practices that reduce nutrients. It also benefit farmers by securing long-term framing.

      Reference:  Long-Term Watershed Protection Program(U.S.)

      Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Practices Program (MSAPP)

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Environmental Outreach & Education
      Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Technical Assistance
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  North America
      Country:  Canada
      Description: Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Practices Program (MSAPP) provides technical assistance and financial assistance for the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural land. It also funds research and development to build capacity for enhanced mitigation, sequestration, and adaptation, before and beyond 2012 in the agricultural sector.
      Outcome:  The MSAPP helps farmers adopt BMPs that improve water quality, reduce greenhouse gases, reduce production costs, and improve rural economic development. It also provides increased resiliency on farms.

      Reference:  Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Practices Program