Category:  Regulatory Approaches; Institutions & Capacity
Policy Type:  Environmental Standards; Environmental Caps & Limits; Frameworks & Guidance; Partnerships
Sector:  Agriculture
Region:  Asia
Country:  South Korea
Description: Korea's Environmentally Friendly Agriculture Fosterage Act aims to increase the role of agriculture in environmental preservation, reduce environmental pollution caused by agriculture, and foster farmers who practice environmentally friendly agriculture, thereby pursuing sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Under this Act, the State and local governments shall aggressively promote the implementation of policies in compliance with the standards for the safe and appropriate use of agricultural chemicals and maximum residue limits, the amount of fertilizers to be sprayed on crops, the limitations on the discharge of livestock excretions, and the ban on the dumping of agricultural wastes, in order to prevent environmental pollution for these agricultural activities. Moreover, the Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall, in consultation with the heads of the relevant central administrative agencies, formulate a plan (fosterage plan) to foster the development of environmentally friendly agriculture every five years. This Act also states that the Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the heads of local governments may subsidize necessary costs for persons who are in charge of the research and development, dissemination or direction of environmentally friendly agricultural technologies and materials. In addition, the Government shall promote the exchange and sharing of information and technology concerning environmentally friendly agriculture through international cooperation with international organizations related to the environment or the relevant nations.
Outcome:  This Act promotes sustainable farming practices, reduces chemical input use, encourages the adoption of soil conservation practices, and addresses biodiversity concerns.
Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture Fosterage Act (2009)