Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Environmental Outreach & Education
Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Technical Assistance
Sector:  Agriculture
Region:  North America
Country:  United States
Description: The purpose of the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (MRBI) is to improve the health of the Mississippi River basin which was identified as a national priority due to high levels of nutrient pollution. Through MRBI, the U.G99S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers farmers in priority watersheds financial and technical assistance to voluntarily implement conservation practices that improve water quality. The priority watersheds are identified by NRCS according to water quality data, nutrient reduction strategies, monitoring efforts, and other factors. Interested participants develop locally driven targeted sub-watershed projects within the priority areas. Preference for funding is given to projects that use a systems approach to implementing conservation practices which avoid, control, and trap nutrients and that plan to monitor results at the edge of field, in stream, and at the watershed outlet.
Outcome:  The MBRI helps to reduce the impact of nutrient loading on the health of local water bodies, and eventually, the Gulf of Mexico. The conservation practices contribute to optimizing nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in agricultural fields, minimizing nutrient and water runoff and improving soil health.
Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (US)