Category:  Price-Based Instruments
Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Tax Credits & Rebates
Sector:  Agriculture
Region:  Asia
Country:  Philippines
Description: The Philippine Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 states the national policy on the promotion, development and implementation of organic agriculture. Under section 24, the law states that incentives are provided to organic input producers and organic farmers, including cash reward, subsidies, and income tax exemption. Those incentives are available only to micro, small, and medium enterprises. The National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP) has been established, which is directed by National Organic Agricultural Board (NOAB) and serves as the guide for the implementation of organic agriculture activities.
Outcome:  Organic agritulture encourages the use of organic fertilizer, which could enhance soil structure and nutrient retentive abilities, and greatly reduces the risk of groundwater pollution.
Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (Philippines)