Rural Environmental Protection Project

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Environmental Outreach & Education
      Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Technical Assistance; Public Awareness
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  Europe
      Country:  Poland
      Description: The Rural Environmental Protection Project for Poland aims to significantly increase the prevalence of environmentally responsible practices among eligible farms in target areas. It helps to reduce discharge of organic matter, a major cause of environmental problems in the Baltic Sea. Project activities are directly linked to the implementation of the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Program, and also supports Poland's move towards compliance with its national policies, European Union (EU) directives, and international agreements. The project has two main components. The first component involves farm environmental improvements and consists of specially-trained agri-environmental advisors who will work with eligible farmers to develop farm management plans. The first component also provides financial support for recommended farm investments. The second component supports public awareness programs, project monitoring and management, a replication strategy, and recurrent costs.
      Outcome:  The Rural Environmental Protection Project helps reduce nutrient loads from agricultural sources to local soil and water bodies through installation of manure management systems, including construction of manure platforms, adequate manure storage facilities and training in optimum application of manure as fertilizers as well as implementation of environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as shrub and tree planting. The project also increases awareness of environmental issues among farmers.

      Reference:  Rural Environmental Protection Project (Poland)

      South Creek Bubble Licensing Scheme

      Category:  Market-Based Instruments
      Policy Type:  Regulatory Environmental Markets
      Sector:  Wastewater
      Region:  Oceania
      Country:  Australia
      Description: The Australian South Creek Bubble Licensing Scheme allows the three participating sewage treatment systems to adjust their individual discharges, provided the total pollutant load limit for the scheme is not exceeded. This scheme enables pollution to be reduced where the costs are lowest.
      Outcome:  The load limits set under the Australian South Creek Bubble Licensing Scheme represent an 83% reduction in total phosphorus discharges and a 50% reduction in total nitrogen discharges by 2004 when compared to a "business as usual" scenario. Moreover, as a result of the bubble arrangement, the cost of achieving these large environmental improvements into the future has been reduced by $45 million.

      Reference:  South Creek Bubble Licensing Scheme (Australia)

      Standards for Irrigation Water Quality

      Category:  Regulatory Approaches
      Policy Type:  Environmental Standards
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  Asia
      Country:  China
      Description: China's Standards for Irrigation Water Quality established standards for total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in irrigation water.
      Outcome:  The Standards for Irrigation Water Quality help to prevent pollution of soil, groundwater, and agricultural products.

      Reference:  Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (China) --In Chinese

      Stormwater Fees and Utilities

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments
      Policy Type:  Taxes, Fees, Levies
      Sector:  Urban
      Region:  North America
      Country:  United States
      Description: To address stormwater issues and comply with permits for stormwater discharge, several cities in the United states have created community-based stormwater utilities to collect user fees related to the control and treatment of stormwater. While in some instances these fees are charged as a flat rate, in other cases fees may tied to actual stormwater impact. For instance, in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States.), homeowners can reduce their stormwater fees by implementing green infrastructure practices like green roofs, rain gardens, swales, etc.
      Outcome:  The community-based stormwater utility helps coordinate compliance activities. The dedicated revenue can be used to fund municipal stormwater management programs. Fee adjustments for increased stormwater management on private property can also help incentivize green infrastructure practices that reduce stormwater runoff and filter nutrients.

      Reference:  Stormwater Fees and Utilities(US)

      Sustainable Agriculture Contract (CAD)

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Environmental Outreach & Education
      Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Public Awareness
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  Europe
      Country:  France
      Description: The Sustainable Agriculture Contract (Contrat d'Agriculture Durable or CAD in French) was created in 2003 by the French government. It aims to increase farmers' contribution to natural resources protection and rural development through conservation payments. The goals of the program are to reduce soil erosion and to preserve soil quality, water resources, biodiversity, and landscapes. CADs are between farmers and the government for a period of 5 years. The contracts have two components: an optional socio-economic component and an obligatory agro-environmental component. The socio-economic component provides funding for farmers who wish to transition to sustainable agriculture. Funding for this component is capped at 15,000 Euros per farmer. The agro-environmental component provides funding for additional costs and compensates for lost income resulting in the use of best practices for the environment.
      Outcome:  The CAD program responds to regional problems and agro-environmental actions are adapted for each French area. In 2004, 234 million Euros have been paid and about 10,000 contracts have been signed.

      Reference:  Sustainable Agriculture Contract (CAD)