Payments for Ecosystem Services

      Category:  Price-Based Instruments; Environmental Outreach & Education; Institutions & Capacity
      Policy Type:  Subsidies, Grants & Incentive Payments; Technical Assistance; Partnerships
      Sector:  Agriculture
      Region:  Europe
      Country:  France
      Description: Payments for ecosystem services(PES) leverage private financing to pay landowners to implment measures to protect or restore ecosystem services. In France, Nestlé Waters financed farmers in the 6,000 hectares Vittel catchment through its intermediary Agrivair to transform farmers' intensive dairy farming system into extensive, hay-based dairy farming with no pesticides and chemicals. Free technical assistance is also provided for the creation of the annual individual farm plans and to facilitate the introduction into new social and professional networks. In addition, collaboration with the public institution National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) was essential to the scientific design and negotiation of this PES.
      Outcome:  The PES program aims to provide a high level of water quality, specifically nitrate rates below 4.5mg/l in the aquifer.

      Reference:  Payments for Ecosystem Services (France)

      Pennsylvania Nutrient Credit Trading Program

      Category:  Market-Based Instruments
      Policy Type:  Regulatory Environmental Markets
      Sector:  Wastewater, Agriculture
      Region:  North America
      Country:  United States
      Description: Pennsylvania (United States) nutrient credit trading program provides a cost-effective means for point sources, particularly wastewater treatment plants, to purchase credits to meet their nitrogen and phosphorus discharge limits in their discharge permits for the compliance year. The trading is conducted through bilateral agreements between buyers and sellers and is facilitated by Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) where transactions occur through periodic credit auctions. Sellers may be other wastewater utilities or nonpoint sources, such as agricultural producers.
      Outcome:  Pennsylvania's Nutrient Credit Trading Program provides a cost-effective option for wastewater treatment plants to meet their nutrient permit limits as well as allowing new and expanding wastewater sources options for offsetting new nutrient loads.

      Reference:  PA: Nutrient Trading Program

      Phosphorus Fertilizer Bans

      Category:  Regulatory Approaches
      Policy Type:  Environmental Bans & Restrictions
      Sector:  Mixed
      Region:  North America
      Country:  United States
      Description: Eleven states in the United States prohibit phosphorus fertilizer use or sale unless it is used where there is a lack of necessary phosphorus, establishing new turf or repairing turf. Exemptions are provided to agricultural lands and production, commercial or sod farms, gardening, and golf courses in many states. Other provisions of states' laws include: prohibition of the use of phosphorus fertilizer on impervious, frozen, or saturated surfaces; establishing setbacks for application near water bodies such as lakes or rivers; sales restrictions such as displaying phosphorus fertilizer separately and posting educational signs.
      Outcome:  Phosphorus Fertilizer Bans helps to control the phosphorus level in the land and decrease the runoff.

      Reference:  Phosphorus Fertilizer Bans (US)

      Pilot Programs for Trading Emissions Permits

      Category:  Market-Based Instruments
      Policy Type:  Regulatory Environmental Markets
      Sector:  Mixed
      Region:  Asia
      Country:  China
      Description: Pilot Programs for Trading Emissions Permits in China provide trading platforms that allow industrial firms to buy and sell permits for pollutants. Key pollutants to be traded under the pilot programs include sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the air, and chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen in wastewater. In August 2014, the State Council announced new guidelines which states that eleven pilot regions must establish mechanisms for the purchase and trading of emissions permits by 2017. The emission permits could be trasferred or sold through public auction.
      Outcome:  The pilots aim to allow the market to play a decisive role in allocating emission permits. The revenues collected from the trading intend to be provided to local governments for financing pollution control.

      Reference:  Pilot Programs for Trading Emissions Permits (China)

      Pollution Control Law

      Category:  Regulatory Approaches
      Policy Type:  Regulatory Framework; Environmental Caps & Limits
      Sector:  Wastewater
      Region:  Asia
      Country:  Philippines
      Description: The Phillippine Pollution Control Law provides guidelines for the control of water pollution from sewage and industrial sources. It requires all polluters to secure permits and set penalties for violations. It creats a National Pollution Control Commission under the Office of the President. The Commission may conduct scientific experiments, investigations and research to discover economical and practical methods of preventing water pollution.
      Outcome:  The Law's guidelines will help to reduce pollution from wastewater and industry.

      Reference:  Presidential Decree 984 (1976), Pollution Control Law (Philippines)